Som en del av forskningen på Holistisk Pedagogikk har Dr. Scott H. Forbes og Robin Ann Martin (2004) gjort en omfattende undersøkelse av de ulike privatskolers pedagogiske plattform i Nord-Amerika, for å se i hvilken grad de kunne sies å være holistisk, og på hvilken måte. I den sammenheng utarbeidet de et teoretisk grunnlag på holistisk pedagogikk som lyder:
“Holistic education does not exist as a set of studied historical texts, but as a tapestry of transformed and conflated notions each of which has historic origins. The intellectual precedents of holistic education reveals a mixture of disciplines involving philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, and theology.
It has been argued (Forbes, 1999, 2003) that holistic education has as goal that students develop to the highest extent though possible for a human (Ultimacy), and that to achieve this a kind of knowledge associated with wisdom (sagacious Competence) needs to be learned. This seems to be contention regardless of the approach to holistic education, its geographical location, or when the initiative existed over the last 250 years.
Ultimacy seems to appear in three distinct forms:
1. Religious (as in becoming “enlightened”, “satori”, etc.).
2. Psychological (as in Abraham Maslow’s “self-actualization” or Carl Jung’s “Unus Mundus” or Carl Roger’s fully functioning person”
3. Undefined (as in the definition of Ultimacy given above – a person develop to the highest extent thought possible for human).
All three forms of Ultimacy are evident in different holistic education initiatives.” (Forbes og Martin, 2004, s. 4).
1. Religious (as in becoming “enlightened”, “satori”, etc.).
2. Psychological (as in Abraham Maslow’s “self-actualization” or Carl Jung’s “Unus Mundus” or Carl Roger’s fully functioning person”
3. Undefined (as in the definition of Ultimacy given above – a person develop to the highest extent thought possible for human).
All three forms of Ultimacy are evident in different holistic education initiatives.” (Forbes og Martin, 2004, s. 4).
Dette må altså ligge til grunn for at en skole skal kunne kalle seg holistisk. Det må ha som sitt høyeste mål at elevene får utvikle sitt "høyeste jeg", til det optimale MENNESKE, det være seg religiøst og/eller psykologisk. Å bli en dyktig samfunnsborger er ikke nok i seg selv.
Forbes, S. H og Martin, R. A. (2004) What Holistic Education Claims About Itself: An Analysis of Holistic Schools’ Literature. American Education Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, California
Forbes, S. H og Martin, R. A. (2004) What Holistic Education Claims About Itself: An Analysis of Holistic Schools’ Literature. American Education Research Association Annual Conference, San Diego, California